
这些条款和条件适用于所有与W.W. 国外正规买球app公司, 包括报价, 采购订单, 服务订单, 销售订单, 或类似文件:

  1. 独家条款. 这些条款和条件以及适用的报价, 采购订单, 服务订单, 销售订单或类似文件构成完整, 排他性和最终协议(统称), “协议")的买方("买家)和W.W. 国外正规买球app公司有限责任公司国外正规买球app“).  All other additional or conflicting terms or conditions which may now or in the future appear on 买家’s acknowledgment, 采购订单, or other similar document are expressly objected to by 国外正规买球app without future notification and shall be null and void.  这些条款和条件只能修改, 由双方签署的书面取代或变更.  买家’s acceptance of any performance by 国外正规买球app shall be taken as 买家’s acceptance of these 条款 and 条件.
  2. 价格.  价格如有更改或撤回,恕不另行通知.  除非本协议另有规定, prices may be adjusted to and invoiced at 国外正规买球app’s price list in effect at the time of the shipment of goods or furnishing of the services. 除非本协议另有规定, 价格不含适用税费, 首次将, 职责, quotation fees or other governmental impositions which 国外正规买球app may be required to pay or collect on behalf of 买家.
  3. Payment 条款; Security Interest. 威信的信贷延期须由威信自行决定是否批准, 国外正规买球app可以随时修改或撤销.  除非本协议另有规定, payment shall be due and payable in full and without setoff within 15 days following delivery of the goods or completion of the services.  Any payment not made when due shall be subject to a carrying charge of one and one-half percent (1 ½%) per month on the unpaid balance until paid in full.  买方明确授予国外正规买球app对任何货物的担保权益, 或是机械师或车库管理员的留置权, 是适用的, 就任何服务而言, to secure payment of the purchase price 因此 and any other amounts or charges owed by 买家 to 国外正规买球app.  买家 authorizes 国外正规买球app (but 国外正规买球app is not obligated) to file a financing statement or take such action as 国外正规买球app deems advisable to evidence and perfect its security interest.
  4. Delivery; Force Majeure. 除非本协议另有规定,货物和服务的交付(如有)应按F.O.B. 装运地点. 指定的交货日期仅为大概日期. 公共承运人对货物的接受构成交付投标. 在投标交货时,损失风险应转移给买方.  在付清全部价款后,所有权转移给买方. 可以分批装运和付款, 因此, 应在装船和出具发票时按照本合同条款到期.  If 国外正规买球app is not able to meet the delivery date specified by reason of any force majeure event beyond 国外正规买球app’s control, 包括(但不限于)战争, 政府请求, 限制或规定, 火, 洪水, 伤亡, 事故, 或其他上帝的作为, 疾病或疾病, 包括但不限于流行病, 流感大流行, 或检疫, 国家或州宣布紧急状态, 与员工发生罢工或其他纠纷, 供应商延迟, 迟延或无法获得货物, 劳动, 设备, 材料, 并通过国外正规买球app通常的来源提供服务, 失败, 承运人拒绝或延迟运输材料, 或者其他类似的事件, 国外正规买球app对此不承担任何责任, 在不事先通知买方的情况下自行决定, postpone the delivery date(s) under this 协议 for a time which is reasonable under all the circumstances.  接受货物或服务将构成放弃所有损害索赔.
  5. 标准有限保修; Limitations of Liability. 国外正规买球app标准有限保证和其中所包含的责任限制, 附加为 表现出一种 ,适用于本协议项下商品和服务的购买和销售.
  6. 赔偿.  买方应赔偿, 捍卫, 让国外正规买球app免受伤害, 其董事, 军官, 雇员和他们各自的附属公司反对任何索赔, 需求, 投诉, 责任, 损失, 成本, 损害和/或费用(包括律师费), 成本s and expenses of litigation and settlements) arising out of or as a result of (i) 买家’s (or any other party’s) use of the goods or 设备 sold or serviced by 国外正规买球app; and (ii) 买家’s negligence or willful misconduct, 除了在某种程度上, 无论哪种情况, 是由国外正规买球app的疏忽或故意不当行为造成的.
  7. 索赔.  除非本协议另有规定, 关于货物状况的索赔, 符合规范, 或任何其他影响发运货物或向买方提供服务的事项, must be made promptly and in no event later than twenty (20) days after receipt of the goods by 买家 or the furnishing of the services by 国外正规买球app. Failure of 买家 to make a claim within such 20-day period shall be deemed an unqualified acceptance of the goods or services by 买家. 买方应拨出, 保护, and hold such goods (without charge to 国外正规买球app) without further processing until 国外正规买球app has an opportunity to inspect and advise of the disposition, 如果有任何, 由这种商品制成. 在任何情况下,货物不得退还, 修改了, 或在没有国外正规买球app明确书面授权的情况下被买方废弃.
  8. 违约和国外正规买球app的补救措施. 如果买方未能及时支付国外正规买球app向其出售的任何商品或服务的款项, 国外正规买球app, 除了任何其他可用的补救措施, 五月自行决定, (a) defer further shipment or services until such payments are made and satisfactory credit arrangements are reestablished or (b) cancel the balance of any order, 买方没有任何诉讼理由,也无权获得任何抵销, 反诉, 或因该行为向国外正规买球app追偿.  如果买方违约, 国外正规买球app可以行使本协议中规定的任何和所有补救措施, 双方之间的其他协议, 适用法律, 所有这些权利和救济都是累积的.
  9. 托收费用和律师费. 买家 agrees to pay all of 国外正规买球app’s 成本s and expenses incurred in collecting payments due from 买家 (including without limitation reasonable attorney fees and 成本s and expenses of any collection agency).
  10. 退货政策. 退货必须附有此发票,并在原始的,未打开的盒子或包装.  所有退回的物品将收取15%的补货费.  电器产品不予退货.  特殊订购物品恕不退货.  自发票之日起30天后不予退货.
  11. 技术援助. 除非本协议另有规定: (a) any technical advice provided by 国外正规买球app with respect  to the use of goods or services furnished to 买家 shall be provided as a courtesy without charge and without warranty; (b) 国外正规买球app assumes no obligation and disclaims all 责任 for any such advice or for any results occurring as a result of the application of such advice; and (c) 买家 shall have sole responsibility for selection and specification of the goods and services appropriate for the end use of such goods or services.
  12. 杂项. 本协议受俄亥俄州法律管辖. The exclusive venue for any dispute related to this 协议 shall be the federal and state courts located in Columbus, 俄亥俄州.  本协议任何条款均视为无效, 非法的或不可执行的, 的有效性, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall in no way be affected or impaired thereby. The individual rights and remedies of 国外正规买球app reserved herein shall be cumulative and additional to any other or further remedies provided in law or equity. 威信放弃就买方违反本协议任何条款而履行或不作为, or 失败 of 国外正规买球app to enforce any provision hereof which may establish a defense or limitation of 责任, shall not be deemed a waiver of future compliance therewith or a course of performance modifying such provision, 该条款应保持书面的完全有效.
  13. 全部协议. 本协议, including without limitation the 条款 and 条件 and any other document incorporated herein by reference, constitutes the sole and entire agreement between 买家 and 国外正规买球app with respect to any order or sale of goods or furnishing of services to 买家, 完全取代任何先前或同时代的口头或书面交流的.



W.W. 国外正规买球app公司



为W公司销售的任何部件或设备提供的唯一保修.W. 国外正规买球app公司有限责任公司国外正规买球app)是将制造商或供应商提供的保证转让给买方.  WILLIAMS MAKES NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY TO THE EFFECTIVENESS OR EXTENT OF SUCH MANUFACTURER OR SUPPLIER WARRANTY.  国外正规买球app明确否认所有其他保证, 明示或暗示, 包括, 但不限于, 对适销性或适合某一特定目的的任何默示保证, and does not assume or authorize any other person to assume for it any 责任 in connection with the sale.


国外正规买球app warrants its workmanship for a period of ninety (90) days from the date the services are performed (“保修期”).  This warranty covers defects in 国外正规买球app’s workmanship that are discovered during the 保修期.   买方的唯一补救办法, 也是国外正规买球app唯一的负债, 对于国外正规买球app公司违反其服务保证的行为, 由国外正规买球app决定, (i) reperforming the defective services; or (ii) refunding the purchase price paid for the defective services.  国外正规买球app明确否认所有其他保证, 明示或暗示, 包括, 但不限于, 对适销性或适合某一特定目的的任何默示保证, and does not assume or authorize any other person to assume for it any 责任 in connection with the sale.


在任何情况下,国外正规买球app都不承担任何惩罚性责任, 间接, 偶然的, 重要的, 特殊或未知损害, 包括但不限于, 财产或设备的损失, 数据丢失, 失去使用, 时间损失, 收入损失, 利润损失, 或者收入损失, 损害赔偿是合同损害还是侵权损害.

国外正规买球app对任何部件的总责任, 设备, 出售的服务不得超过支付给国外正规买球app的此类部件的金额, 设备, 或服务造成的责任.

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